Bildiri Gönderimi
Abstract Submission Deadline 28 October 2024
Abstracts must be uploaded in both English and Turkish.
You can make your presentation in English or Turkish.
All posters will be digital.
- You have to prepare posters on power point vertically format 1080 x1920
- Posters must remain up until the time specified.
- You must be knowledgeable in your subject and answer questions during your presentation (Presenter at Poster).
- Check for spelling mistakes.
- The presentation must cover the same material as the abstract submitted. Please use the following instructions:
- Final presentation number of the abstract, title and author(s) must be included on the poster.
- You may display your figures, tables, text, photography, etc. in the best manner for your abstract. Figures should be designed to be viewed from a distance and should use clear, visible graphics and large type. Color can be effective if used sparingly; use saturated dark colors on white background and rich, bright colors on dark backgrounds.
- Briefly describe procedures and materials. Define all trade names first then use generic names throughout. All compounds and drugs must be identified.
- Prepare all illustrations neatly and legibly beforehand in a size sufficient to be read at a distance of 2 m. Handlettering should be at least I cm high. Shade block letters if possible. Typed material should be prepared with large type.
- A series of typewritten sheets attached to the poster wall is not an acceptable poster.
- It is helpful if the sequence to be followed is indicated by number, letter, or arrows.
General Guidelines:
You must be knowledgeable in your subject and answer questions during your presentation.
- Presenters should mention the sponsors of their research, if applicable, in their presentation.
- Abstract presenters have twelve (12) minutes for presentation
- and three (3) minutes for the discussion. The session chair will hold you to this time. It is advisable to rehearse your presentation prior to the meeting to ascertain that the time is not exceeded.
- Cover the same material as reported in the abstract.
- Give an opening statement to acquaint the audience with the nature and purpose of the study.
- Briefly describe procedures and materials. Define all trade names first, then use generic names throughout. All compounds and drugs must be identified.
- Allocate most of the presentation time to the results of the study. State the results simply and clearly so that significant facts can be readily identified.
- Conclude the presentation with a brief summary of the essential results you believe were demonstrated by the experimental data.
- Each oral session room will be equipped with a notebook, an LCD projector, a screen, a microphone and an aisle microphone. You may not bring equipment from an outside source such as a personal laptop. If your presentation requires additional equipment, you must contact the Organising Office prior to the start of the conference.
Preview Centre:
- All oral presentations will be loaded on a server and distributed to the appropriate oral session room at the appropriate time via a LAN connection. This eliminates the need for individual presenters to bring their own laptops.
- DO NOT plan to download your presentation directly in your assigned meeting room.
- All oral presenters must hand in their presentation at the Preview Centre at least 2 hours prior to the start of the session their presentation is allocated in.
- Technical staff will be onsite in the Preview Centre to assist you in uploading your presentation.
- To avoid waiting in the Preview Centre, you may wish to avoid peak times.